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Briah Artemis

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Thu - Sep 08, 2022 8:00 am - 9:00 am EDT

My knitwear collection “BROKEN/OPEN" is inspired by a beautiful, suffocating relationship that ultimately ended. I had disillusioned myself to believe that this unwavering affection was the kind of love I deserved, finding deep comfort in it. When I finally allowed myself to break free of this disillusionment, I slowly came back to myself. I was now a butterfly emerging from her chrysalis.

This collection was born of my affinity for yarn knits, and vibrant colors. I intentionally used optical illusions and cocoon-like constraints in my designs, to make these inundating emotions tangible.

The "anxiety shirt" embodies this collection the most. The black and red, cut out/spiral top, pays homage to the visceral anxiety I felt in deciding whether I should let go or cling to my relationship out of fear I wouldn’t find a love like that again. Just like my shirt I was bursting at the seams.

Briah Artemis BROKEN/OPEN

BROKEN/OPEN Collection

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