Cat Pfingst

Cat Pfingst is a recent graduate from Drexel University. With a hearty dose of curiosity, Cat is never plagued by boredom. Often intrigued by found objects, she finds fulfillment in translating the mundane into a wearable language of subtlety, irony, and relatability of the human experience. The resulting designs are an embodiment of her introspection, skewed through a lens that is odd and uninhibited. Cat thrives through spontaneity and embraces change with an authentic voice, free spirit, and an open mind.

Drexel University


Specialization: Apparel {Women's, Men's, Non-Binary, Children's, Other}, Materiality {Textiles, Knitwear, Material Innovation, Digital Fabrication, Other} Special Foci: Design Technologies, Innovation

Cat Pfingst

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