Two models sit, heads leaning on each others shoulders.

Emilia K Mann

Emilia K Mann is a recent graduate from the Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University, where she studied Apparel Design and Material Engineering. Emilia's work exists at the intersection of design, science, and technology. She creates garments that are both conceptual and functional that center sustainability and inclusivity. Through her design and material research she strives to create meaningful, adaptive, higher-performing, and sustainable garments. She calls Amherst, MA home.

Headshot of Designer
Rhode Island School of Design | Brown Univeresity

BFA Apparel | BA Material Engineering

Emilia's background in apparel design and material engineering has allowed her explore a breadth of projects from designing clothes for astronauts to working with digital fabrication and 3D modeling to growing her own biomaterials. Her latest collection, Material Meditations, is a series of proposals for re-imagining a more sustainable fashion industry.

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