20220403 L1130482


Yinglun Zhang

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Thu - Sep 08, 2022 8:00 am - 9:00 am EDT

衣// e s s e n c e

What is the essence of garments?

Garments, as a medium; the essence strives from the bodies.
As the body moves, the garment moves with the body.

Bodies have unlimited possibilities.
Bodies could express the endless vitality of nature -
growing trees, melting ice, echoing water......


The opposite juxtaposition of the elements,
And the tension of limbs...

念// c o n c e p t

Yinglun’s design system consists of three aspects - the essence, the movement, and the performance of clothing. The essence is the body, and the garment flows with the body, which creates movements. The movements become the performance, exploring improvisation, consciousness, and the philosophy of presence.

In collection <22'>, Yinglun, experimenting with poetic motifs, creates her own prints and brings together a team of artists to collaborate in the production. Inspired by Tao Dance Theater <2>, the stage of Tao reminds her of ice, and the movement of their bodies are like waves. The collection explores the juxtaposition between stillness and movement - when it’s still, it feels like ice - pure and sharp… when the garment starts to move, it feels like water - smooth and soft.

"「动」是行云流水 「静」是坚如磐石"

While the garments in the collection symbolize water and waves, the "stone bags" that Yinglun collaborated with accessory designer Andree Kong, juxtapose the softness.

舞// m o v e m e n t

As a dancer herself, Yinglun collaborated with director Yi Xiong, along with many other young artists, to create a fashion performance film, in which garments, choreography, and sets are dependent on each other, representing bodies, movements, and surroundings. Her extreme emphasis on the organic texture of dancers’ limbs and muscles contrasts with the strength and the unlimited boundary that bodies can be pushed towards, reminding people to take a step back, and focus on the body as the essence of fashion. Garment, in specific, as it flows with the movement of bodies, expresses the endless vitality of nature that people tend to neglect - growing trees, melting ice, echoing water......

Collection <22’> explores resilience, contrasts, neutrality, and strength.

The year of 22, at the age of 22
2 as binary relationships, 2 as extremes...


Yinglun Zhang <22'>

<22'> Collection

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